So there is a video that went viral of a woman who bought a Chewbacca mask.  (see video  )   The pure joy she got from wearing the talking mask was such a nice moment.  Often it seems like we don’t have many of those moments. I feel like many of us have forgotten how to enjoy life. We are too busy working or trying to obtain more in order to be happy.  The only time I see this type of joy is watching my toddler.  He gets excited over the smallest things.  And that is how it should be.  I feel that we worry too much about what others will think or say so even if something would give us joy we don’t let it.  I challenge you and myself to try to find more joy in life.  Laugh at the small things and surround yourself with people and things that make you happy.  If the people and things around us don’t make us happy, why are we keeping them around? Go find your “chewbacca mask” and enjoy every moment of it.

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