Articles tagged with: depression


People make jokes about girls being bitchy on their periods.  Well, I totally am and freely admit it.  I get super moody.  On top of that awesome hormone induced bipolar like mood change I am weaning myself off of antidepressants. There are many words to be said about that process but that is for another post.  Let’s just say moodiness is one of the awesome symptoms that comes with that as well.  I feel for my family, I do.  They are walking on eggshells.  Adding on the fact that we currently have house guests, which are no problem and we enjoy having them, but 4 adults, a child, 2 dogs, and 3 cats in a very small 3 bedroom place becomes kind of claustrophobic.  The worst part is I can feel my anxiety rise, and I know I’m kind of being a jerk, but truly can’t control it try as I may.  It’s an inner demon that releases itself whenever it can and once it is out it is almost impossible to draw back in.  This is why I’m in the office, away from people, away from anything that can trigger a release of that demon.  My patience is thin and everything bugs me.  I’m assuming that is a woman thing in general but I could be wrong it might just be unique to me.  It’s just hard to be productive when all you want to do is scream.  Not that screaming helps especially since it usually gets targeted to an unsuspecting person who just looked at you wrong or just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  As if that isn’t rough enough then comes the guilt that you feel for lashing out even though you can’t control it, which makes you feel even worse.  Moods are a fickle thing after all, I just go through life hoping the happy days outnumber the grumpy ones.  Because the grumpy ones kinda suck.